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"Because in Quebec, the only true enemy is the cold"


What is 25 000 tuques?


It’s a citizen driven spontaneous mouvement to give a warm welcome to the refugees. We’re knitting tuques as beautiful and as warm as possible because in Quebec, the only true enemy is the cold.


Do you really want to make 25 000 tuques?


Yes but it’s not a big deal. If we make 300, it will at least be that much more. If we make 35 000, we will start distributing them elsewhere, to other charities close to our hearts.


There won’t be 25 000 refugees in Quebec, why call it 25 000 tuques?


Because you understood right away what we were about. Had we called ourselves « 6000 tuques » it would not have been as clear. Plus, in Canada, similar mouvements are taking form based on related ideas.


 When does it end?


For the moment, there are no ending dates but a tuque is usually more fun in the winter


 Who is 25 000 tuques?


Anyone who already lives in Quebec and think that welcoming refugees should go beyond simple tolerance. It requires love and when we love; we give, we work for it and we show it.


Where can I drop off my tuque and message?


dropping off points are organizing themselves across Quebec. We’re working on a reference list to make sure that everything gets to where it should go. *Drop-off points*


 Can I buy a tuque and donate it?


Yes but elsewhere. Many organizations are already taking donations.


I can do scarfs, does it still work?


Yes but no. it’s all the same, see top of the page. We recommend that you learn (it’s easy, not as time consuming and cheaper). Worst case scenario you could double up up with someone who knows how to, join a knitting group or put your scarf with someone else’s tuque and write a four handed note!


 I only knit mittens and socks, Can I still give them to you?


Yes, but with a hand knitted tuque, like the scarves.


 Is it a big deal if I spool knit, crochet or make one out of polar fleece?


Not at all. It’s wonderful!


Can I give you my old coat and boots?


No, not at 25 000 tuques. We can’t do everything… Why?

Because this is not our goal and other organizations are already doing a much better job than us at it. We do not want our actions to interfeer anyone else. It would not be effective. We, at 25 000 tuques, believe that it’s the symbol that counts. Each baby born in a hospital in Quebec receive a tuque. We feel it’s only normal that refugees would also receive one as a symbol of their new life in Quebec.


I can’t knit, is there any other way I could help?


Yes, logistic, transport, etc. We strongly recommend that you contact your local 25 000 tuques (pages per region are already appearing). We will give you a maximum of coordinates for the emerging groups.


 Are you sponsored by a wool lobby?


No, we don’t do promotion either. We put people who want to participate forward and give them a big thank you but that is the extent of our involvement.


 Can we send money?


No. for the moment 25 000 tuques is costing next to nothing and we would like it if it remained that way. Should this change, we will let you know.

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